Over the past decade I've had a successful career in the tech industry. I've worked for small companies, large companies and founded my own company. I've played the role of individual contributor in sales teams and managed the operations and processes as Chief Operating Officer. I've grown teams, hired great talent, closed deals and even founded a successful HubSpot CRM Implementation agency.
Despite a rewarding and successful career I've had an itch that's needed scratching. That itch being to get under the hood of the software I was selling, figure out how it all works and build some for myself. I've always admired the work of the Software Engineer. To those who aren't and engineer, it seems like a black box where magic happens that can't be explained. I want to be a magician.
I've since devoted a good portion of the last 12 months teaching myself how to code. I've learnt coding concepts such as OOP, data structures and algorithms as well as a range of languages such as Python and JavaScript. I've loved every minute of it.
Value Proposition
With years of business experience I bring a unique perspective to a software engineering role. I have a deep understanding of business operations, team dynamics and customer relations. I know what makes a team tick and achieve great things. I know how to listen to customers and ensure they have a great experience with the company. I'm a great problem solver and capabale of thinking big picture while still paying attention to the little things.
This experience is something you won't find in any other Junior Engineer fresh out of University or off the back of an internship.
I'm also not afraid of hard work. I believe that nothing comes easy. Anything we truly want in life will take some measure of sacrifice, discipline and a healthy level of obsession to achieve.
The Technical Ones
I am proficient in a range of current languages and technologies, including but not limited to the below:

Music, Playlists, Profile
This was my first React project that challenged me to learn User Authentication, the basics of Express, custom hooks, and ultimately forced me to think deeply about how to maintain a clean project file structure (i.e. I refactored LOTS..still more to do!).
Using the Spotify Authentication Code Flow I authenticate users using a simple Express backend with .env file for securing environment variables.
You can search for tracks, create playlists and save playlists to your ACTUAL spotify account. Feels like magic!

Products, Collections, Carts, Customers, Orders
This project uses Django's ORM to connect to a PostgreSQL database, deployed with Heroku. It provides endpoints for Products, Collections, Carts, Customers and Orders.
It handles user authentication, has a customised Django Admin Panel along with a number of optimizations to database queries to ensure fast response times.

Choose your adventure!
This project is pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It creates a grid and allows the user to choose a pathfinding algorithm to find the shortest path between two points. It also allows the user to create walls and add weightings that vairous algorithms take into account.
This project taught me about pure JavaScript DOM manipulation, the importance of optimising algorithms and the importance of clean code.

Like what you see?
You can find me at following locations.
email: angusroymcdonald@gmail.com
LinkedIn: @angusrmcdonald
GitHub: GitHub Repositories